Intended Use
The LYHER® antigen test kit for the Monkeypox is a In Vitro Diagnostic test. The test is to
be used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of infection with Monkeypox. The test is used for
the direct and qualitative detection of viral capsid protein of Monkeypox in human affected
secretion. The rapid test uses highly sensitive antibodies to measure the virus antigen
The LYHER® antigen test kit for the Monkeypox is a In Vitro Diagnostic test. The test is to
be used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of infection with Monkeypox. The test is used for
the direct and qualitative detection of viral capsid protein of Monkeypox in human affected
secretion. The rapid test uses highly sensitive antibodies to measure the virus antigen
1、Swollen lymph nodes
This is key symptom that distinguishes from other pox diseases
2、muscle aches
within 1-3 days after fever. monkeypox is characterized by a rash of pustules that begin on the face and spread to other regions of the body
The LYHER® antigen test kit for the Monkeypox is a In Vitro Diagnostic test. The test is to
be used as an aid in the rapid diagnosis of infection with Monkeypox. The test is used for
the direct and qualitative detection of viral capsid protein of Monkeypox in human affected
secretion. The rapid test uses highly sensitive antibodies to measure the virus antigen
Mature technique: Colloidal gold immunochromatography
Easy to operate
Fast and accurately answer of results in ONLY 15 minutes.
Suitable for mass screening of potiential infected group in a point of care setting.
01.If the blister has broken, scrub the wound surface with 0.9% NaCl, and take pus and secretions in the deep part of the lesion with the swab provided in the kit.
01.If the blister is still intact, disinfect the surface with alcohol, prick the pustule with a needle, and collect pustule fluid and basal specimens with a swab.
02.Tear off the aluminum sealing film of the buffer, and then take the swab into the extraction buffer.
03.Squeeze the buffer tube with the swab 10-15 times to mix evenly so that the wall of the sample tube touches the swab.
04. Keep it upright for 1 minute to keep as much sample material as possible in the diluent.
05. Add the sample as follows. Place a clean dropper on the sample tube. Invert the sample tube so that it is perpendicular to the sample hole (S).Add 3 DROPS of the sample.
06. Set the timer for 15 MINUTES.
07. Read the result after 15 MINUTES.
Interpretation of Results
This product is aimed to facilitate public health institute worldwide to increase their diagnostic capabilities when facing the emerging Monekeypox virus health challenge, allowing for an efficient and rapid public health response in the case of an outbreak.